Lingua Franco: The story of a Congolese colossus

This feature first appeared in the August issue of the New African. Not many musicians’ deaths are met by continent-wide grief, hundreds of thousands thronging the streets of their hometown, and four days of state-decreed mourning. But this was the case for François Luambo Makiadi. Sobriquets stuck to him throughout his career – ‘the Sorcerer of the Guitar’, ‘Yorgho’ (godfather), and, as he liked to be … Continue reading Lingua Franco: The story of a Congolese colossus

Faulty Superheroes (Robert Pollard, 2015)

Robert Pollard, currently 57 and born in ’57, has well over 1,700 songs registered under his name. This kind of songwriting facility should arouse suspicions in any rational human, but as far as Pollard’s concerned, there need be no inverse relationship between quantity and quality – and anyway, this latest album of his is rather modest. There are no more than five instruments on the album. … Continue reading Faulty Superheroes (Robert Pollard, 2015)